
   rjia ( Vote: 399 )
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번호 #12 /21 날짜 1999/10/1 19:25:10
이름 rjia E-mail rjia@netian.com
사용브라우저 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95; DigExt)
홈페이지 http://my.netian.com/~rjia
제목 Hi...but...--;

Hi, achor..

It's my first time to visit your home.. However, my key doesn't work....--; Now I am in my school.. --;
There are lots of photoes but there is only one photo I can see your face well...:) When I saw your face on this com, I needed to have a time to think of you...:) The main photo is quite different from you that I remembered...:) However, on "Hot photo", I could remember you...because that you looked like what you were...for me...:)
I was glad because I could talk to you last night on the "nownuri". As you know, it's the last day I could use it. Because of it, it made me more impressed....:) Even though we couldn't share good-bye...
Achor, if you have a time, let's see, after Nov. See you next time....:) Bye~

One of the people in Achor


본문 내용은 9,251일 전의 글로 현재의 관점과 다를 수 있습니다.

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First Written: 11/06/1999 04:17:00
Last Modified: 03/07/2025 04:36:22